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bank account abroad

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gered | 20:32 Mon 09th Sep 2002 | How it Works
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how can i retrieve monies from a german savings account approx 25 years old


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The bank should have held the account open even if it hasn't been touched all this time. Assuming it is your account, or you can show that you have inherited it, there should be no problem claiming the money. If you are having trouble tracking down the bank after all this time - banks merge and chjange names - contact the Bundesverband deutscher Banken (German Banks Association) :
Burgstrasse 28
D-10178 Berlin

Phone ++49 (0) 30 16 63 - 0
Fax ++49 (0) 30 16 63 - 13 99
E-Mail: [email protected]
Good luck!

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bank account abroad

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