Small Order Fee in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Small Order Fee

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NeedToKnowPlease | 12:33 Thu 20th May 2021 | How it Works
31 Answers
I am paying for the delivery and I am paying for the produce why does the company think its OK to try and charge me a small order fee its not fair. Im paying for the food and the delivery why do they need a small order fee it is rude and I not going to pay at all now, I will forget my produce.


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My apologies - I misread your question also!
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thecorbyloon it was deliveroo
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As JJ said "It costs the same to deliver a 3 pound sandwich as it does to deliver a hundred pounds worth of food". why the "small order fee" they should be happy im not goign to the store because im paying extra for delivery if they don't make money on their delivery price they need to up their delivery price
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Could you have collected the piece yourself?
I'm not sure there's any need for such utter rudeness, name calling on a school playground level - really?

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