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Where Do I Tell My Mum I'm Going Later?

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abbeylee90 | 09:21 Thu 07th Dec 2023 | How it Works
79 Answers

I got a driving lesson later my mum is home today and don't know I'm learning so what do I say when I go out?



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I'm not going to lie about lessons.

No and she has her knee op tomorrow so I don't want to stress her out.

Is Mum having a knee replacement op?  You will have to help more when she gets out of hospital.

Re boyfriends staying over, you always seem to have trouble getting a boyfriend through the day never mind staying over!

You are lying  if you're not being truthful and pretending you're somewhere else.

It's your choice but you're storing up trouble.

If you want a totally private life, move out.


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Moo you don't meet boyfriend through day unless at work or dating app really.

How am I storing up trouble if she don't know?

You are in your thirties, why do you need to tell your mum anytthing

Oh Abbey - only very special people allowed to call me Moo😉

Am a bit confused about the boyfriends - have you had many staying over?

presumably because she is paying (or at least subsidising)

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Couldn't remember your name and I did have boyfriends stay over in the past 

It's natural for a mum to want to know. If you're living with her you should exoect conversations.

If I had a 30 odd year old living at home who was being secretive and I found out they'd been lying to me about major things like jobs and income I'd decide it was time to stop providing cheap board and lodgings and let them try independent living

Did you and your boyfriends have Jacobs cream crackers and Kraft cheese slices for tea,abbey?

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She's not going to kick me out she would just say need to get online and look for jobs like I been doing.

Hmmmm   ...  If you could tell your Mum a boyfriend was staying over, that, to me,  would seem more difficult than telling her you were going for a driving lesson or did you sneak him in the door and hide him in a cupboard - only joking!

How can you afford driving lessons? 

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Yeah as we were together.

With my current job that why I'm sticking at it till after Christmas 🎄 

Need to join this thread to distract from my current worries lol. Abbeylee - I get the impression from other answers that you are in your 30's? Is that right? If so then just wondered why you are still living at home? 

Abbey, now that you're back to part-time working - just three days a week - do you not fancy babysitting or some other kind of work that would bring in more money? You could then speed up your driving lessons, which has been a pretty slow thing so far. And you've mentioned getting a place of your own some time - but I don't think that'll happen soon if you stick to part-time jobs.

Why don't you just tell your mum the truth about the driving lessons, the care home, the jobs ...

If I kept all these secrets from my mum she would be hurt that I didn't confide in her.  Then she would go into a massive sulk for quite a long time.


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Snowball I haven't had the money to move out also need more hours than part time to move out.

Main thing is no one else knows 

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I'm worried she will go mad 

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