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Where Do I Tell My Mum I'm Going Later?

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abbeylee90 | 09:21 Thu 07th Dec 2023 | How it Works
79 Answers

I got a driving lesson later my mum is home today and don't know I'm learning so what do I say when I go out?



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Abbey, I know you'd like more hours (to have any chance of moving out), but it seems an awful long time since you had a full-time job (that lasted more than a few weeks). Are you hopeful you'll get one soon?

I don't know if your mum would go mad, but I do think she'd be disappointed that you've kept so much from her, told her half-truths along the way and so on.

Tell her that although the lessons on the non-automatic car were not very successful, it was suggested you try auto and now it  seems You are doing better now. So please Mum don't get mad 

I am not sure why she would go mad...unless you have fallen behind with board and lodging payments and she now wonders how you can afford two driving lessons this week. 

I think you should tell her the truth you owe her that!

does she abuse you?

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I not doing 2 a week no and no she don't abuse me.


There's thing I wonder about care home job is advertised got cleaning sector and I seen one of the cleaners at 1pm finishing work today when she use to finish at 2 when I was there

I know you're not normally doing two a week but I thought you were to have two this week because last week's was postponed owing to bad weather.

Please, please put the care home out of your mind, Abbey. It is over and water under the bridge now. 

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I had to cancel as had covid jab

"There's thing I wonder about care home job is advertised got cleaning sector and I seen one of the cleaners at 1pm finishing work today when she use to finish at 2 when I was there"

That is very garbled, abbey. Maybe post again with some punctuation and check it makes sense before you submit it.

On the other hand, whatever you're trying to say, forget it- the care home didn't feel you were up to the role and eased you out before dismissing you. It's time to move forwards.

Thank you for answering.

I could understand keeping stuff secret if you were at risk.

However she is housing you and feeding you and being pretty patient throughout it all.

be honest with her!

Abbey, why on earth are you still thinking so much about the care home? Last week it was 'why did the supervisor tell me...' and 'did I have a lucky escape?'... and now you're wondering about other people's working hours. 

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I just told my mum I got a lift with that mam from dogs home to get my covid jab she said be careful with that man he might think you like him one I was on about from dogs home.

Why!! When you complain about that man do you then take lifts.

you are giving mixed signals 

Abbey, on another of your threads, it was mentioned that umpteen subjects were being covered - and it could be a little confusing. The same thing is happening here - you started off by asking about how to keep things from your mum, now you're back to the care home, your former employer. Maybe you should have started a new thread - 'The Care Home(part 6....

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Yes the one I was on about in previous if it was wrong hanging out with him

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To confuse matters further - how is your Mum feeling, Abbey, after her op?  I guess she will need help from you?

Abbey, thanks for the link to that older thread. There's a more recent one, of course, about you possibly going out with the old guy and five of his friends...

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Yes she is fine better than last time

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