OK, the labour representative has said nuculer when I think he means nuclear about a hundred times and it's annoying the sheet out of me.
There's no particular question. I just had to vent.
1 to 15 of 15
Did he also say 'A loo me num ' instead of ' Ali minny um ' ?
Have you seen a psychiatrist about your extreme over-sensitiveness ?
And would it be any easier if the representative was a Tory ?
There's no, "i" between the, "l" and the, "m" so why pronounce it as, "ali"?
I had a listen just now and it sounded more like the way Americans pronunce, "nuclear".
Yes Corby. That would be umm...nuculer.
//Have you seen a psychiatrist about your extreme over-sensitiveness ?
And would it be any easier if the representative was a Tory ?//
No and No.
"Yes Corby. That would be umm...nuculer."
The American pronunciation tends to be, "nooclear," with no, "u" following the, "c".
He'd have been better off saying 'UNCLEAR"... as he avoided answering any questions he was asked 😝
//The American pronunciation tends to be, "nooclear"//
Nope. It nooculer.
Thanks for correcting my spelling error though.
That's great. But that wasn't what he was saying.
He was saying 'noocular'.
The problem is not whether one says noo or nyu.
It whether one says clear or cular.
To my ear, he was saying it the American way, as in the video but you heard it differently.
I'm noo clear what was said
I can't say allure.
Do you know the answer?
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