Setting up a telephone line at home in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Setting up a telephone line at home

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filthiestfis | 21:53 Tue 17th Feb 2009 | How it Works
10 Answers
I've been trying to work this out for a while. I have recently moved into a flat and I will have to install a phone line...I think. I have bought a phone but in order to set up a phone line (say, with Talk Talk) I will need to have a line with BT. How does this work? Do I call BT and ask for them to come and set one up then right after call Talk Talk (or other provider) and tell them?
If the previous tenants had a phone line, wouldnt it be the same number given to me?
What I REALLY need to know is if BT needs to set up a phone line everytime a new tenant moves into the property. I just cannot get my head round it.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Yes BT have to install the line, you can then swap it to another provider straight away.

You will probably have to pay BT about 170quid (i think) to get the line put in.
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122 pounds according to their website, if there has been no recent line at the property. How will I know if there has been?
ring and ask them. Are there any phone sockets? do you have the permission of the land lord?
Ask the landlord if there is a telephone line?
They will charge you that no matter what!

it sounds like you are a new customer, i.e. not had a phone in your name at a previous address.

I moved into my place a few months ago, phone sockets already on wall, I know the previous person only recently had the line disconnected, I had to take a day off work in case an engineer needed access (which they didn't as the line was already there!) and I still got charged because I wasn't an existing customer

and you will still have to pay bt for a years phone rental even if you go straight to another provider as you are on a contract when you join then for 12 months, unless it has changed recently
and you wouldnt have the same phone number as the previous tenants if a phone line was already there. can you see any phone sockets in the rooms?
why don't you google mobile broadband with calls you dont need a phone line
it can be cheaper than phone line rental + internet charges ,depends on what package suits you
why don't you gogle mobile broadband with calls you dont need a phone line
it can be cheaper than phone line rental + internet charges ,depends on what package suits you
If you're not sure which ISP you want to use, like TalkTalk they need to install their equipment on the BT line that goes to your property.
I used to be with Oneltel and changed to TalkTalk for the better deal. TalkTalk handled the changeover with BT themselves and I didn't need to do anything. However I did contact BT afterwards just to make sure that there were no further charges owing and that it was safe to cancel their direct debit.
No, BT do not have to set up a new line every time a new tenant moves in. If the previous tenant is still in the general area, there's nothing to stop their taking their number with them; in which case they (BT) would need to reconnect you with a new number. All you need is a BT line with no broadband, just a straightforward phone line.
Once that is connected, then you can choose your provider and they will tell you what you need to do. You could of course ask BT to provide the broadband service along with the landline straight away, but that would entail your signing a contract for a year or so. If you wanted to change to another provider before that contract time is up, then BT could quite legally charge you the full amount of the total contract. It's really your choice of how long you're prepared to wait for your broadband service. Going with BT at once would be quickest, but not necessarily the cheapest. I hope this helps you to choose.

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