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anotheoldgit | 14:24 Fri 23rd Oct 2009 | Technology
10 Answers
When reporting an abusive answer on this site, I get the following up "You need to define a custom text"

How do I do this?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Am I getting reported ? :-D
any word should do but a joke goes down well with Spare ED
You type a missive to myself in the box provided below the reporting options.

All the best,

Spare Ed
It is good to: give context and background, open a dialogue with me, or yes, tell me a joke!

Spare Ed
eek you#re lurking again... fany aa coffee and a cake with lots of choco icing?
Question Author
Thanks for that Spare Ed I notice that the answer has now been removed.
apologies should've read "fancy"
As in the phrase " I Fancy yogi and like spam too"........:0) x
oi yoogi bought you a tin of spam (leaiving typos in)

I'll open it if you like :D
perhaps you could put in English, Ed? It makes no more sense to me than it does to aog.

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