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Bus fares change

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mollykins | 16:26 Mon 10th May 2010 | How it Works
97 Answers
How much notice do they have to give that they are putting the fares up?

Its been several weeks since i've had to use the bus and my mum had only given me 50p to get home but apparantly, it was changed a few weeks ago, that all fares on the route had gone up by 5p. Luckily the person behind me, i kind of know and i think i'd lent her 5p aswell before, so she thankfully gave me the extra money.


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if either of my two daughters had to go to school two miles away, as a parent i would more at ease if they were to go on the bus rather than face a long walk each day, especially with some creeps on the road that may pass them not being quite the innocent souls they may be. Walton on Thames a few years ago, albeit younger, but what if?......and i aint soft, mrs Boo :0)
....only when i'm nicking your cake x
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The phone is on a direct debit of about £8 a month.

Cadets is £2 a week (on a thursday, so depending on how many thursdays there are that month changed how much we pay but it works out at about £90 a year)

Bus fares vary but between two or three times a week at the most if its really rubbish weather, and once a month recently. I last took the bus home from school the week before the easter holidays.
Just me thinking out loud, Molly.....ignore me.....i'm old! :0)

"There's something about Molly"........starring ?
Well i must be as hard as nails then.

elder Mini Boo walked to and from school on her own from ooo about 12? And that is about the same distance. And mini Boo will too when she gets to that age. And NO money provided either.
They either walked- or stayed at school ;-)
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craft, no.

She'd give the extra 5p now that's what the fare is, but i hadn't got it today, and that's what the question was about.

It was peeing it down with rain and mum was going that way anyway, so she took my in the car to school and gave me 50p for the bus.
*shakes head and wonders off*
Molly if the Social Services are looking in?
you have a computer, a mobile phone, you seem to be doing ok apart from your Dad insisting on giving you grisly meat on a Sunday, Life is what you make it, who pays for the cadets?
My was raining? Are you ok? Do you need to lie down for a bit?

You'll live Molly- get a ruddy backbone lass!
Lol ummmm!

Is that with the same desperation that I feel every time!? :-)
My son walks to school (thank God) and it's app 2.5 miles away. His choice...
I think it's sad that older children aren't allowed to walk to school. The chances of anything happening are remote. We can't wrap them up in cotton wool. They have to grow up in the real world and not be frightened of everything and everybody.
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BOO, she had to put up with my wingeing for the few days i couldn't use my bike, this was before we'd seen one of the many specialists, and she'd made me walk to and form school, by which time, i was in agony. When the doc heard i'd walked the 2 miles to school and back home, and in the cheap, unsuportive shoes my mum had bought me, he flipped at her.
I used to walk to school a couple of times a week and it was longer then 2 miles!

Mind you, that was generally by choice as I hadnt done the home work for the first lesson, and the walk would take me atleast an hour, so by the time I got in I had missed it completely! :-)
oh nooooooo
not cheap shoes as well!
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I often end up cycling home in the rain, if it was nice in the morning. And i often cycle to school if its only spitting.
"cheap, unsuportive shoes my mum had bought me, he flipped at her. "

Maybe the Doc should pay for your shoes then??

Honestly Molly, i try to like you, and I do try to bear in mind that you are only 16, but Yea Gods you are one helluva whiny sod. You'd get right on my nerves if you were my kid!
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Its the other abers who brought this off topic, since half way down the first page, noone has answered my question.
Lol B00!

For once it is not just me saying how I feel!
I really wish being 5p short for the bus and my dad being a funny eater where the only things I had to moan about!
Ah well, thats life for you!
I'de be put away..:-)

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