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Bus fares change

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mollykins | 16:26 Mon 10th May 2010 | How it Works
97 Answers
How much notice do they have to give that they are putting the fares up?

Its been several weeks since i've had to use the bus and my mum had only given me 50p to get home but apparantly, it was changed a few weeks ago, that all fares on the route had gone up by 5p. Luckily the person behind me, i kind of know and i think i'd lent her 5p aswell before, so she thankfully gave me the extra money.


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in short, No they don't have to give you notice Molly, but I bet you will find a notice on the bust telling you of fare increases
And to answer your question. They tend to stick a notice up on their buses about a week beforehand that their fares are increasing. You wouldn't have seen them though as you have already said its been several weeks since you last used one.
Wahay! Question answered... take it that will be the end of the thread then... or will it!?
Molly when bus companies change their fares the information is usually published in the local paper and radio...........I fail to see that it's the bus company's fault if your parents, for whatever reason, fail to get the info.
And ive just noticed....pmsl @ Bobbs with "bust"

I can't wait until Molly joins the 'real' world....!!
OMG....what if she get a boyfriend...scary thought....
bust, bus,
Molly, Molly
where is she?
I am sure it's wind up half the time, Jeez, I would do time for the little bugger...LOL
I really shouldnt let her wind me up as much as I do should I!?
But it does!

lol.....makes me laugh..!!!
I end up getting really frustrated and ranting about it lol!
Hmm, maybe I sign I should step away from the PC!
Who used to say "noone" instead of none, as Molly says?'s been bugging me for ages.....still cant remember.
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We hadn't seen any notices of it and my friend who uses the bsuses regualrly, who i saw tonight said that he only knew once it had changed and hadn't been aware of any notice before hand.

And i went to empty the dishwasher, cook and eat my tea, have a shower and go to cadets and i've jsut got back.
Ooohhh to be 16 again and for something like this to be the biggest thing I have to worry about...!
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oh and wiggal, jsut because i'm not allwoed to bring any of them home, doesn't mean i'm not seeing one . . . .
Hi Molly,

What you on about?.........what question/statement that wiggal made are you replying too?
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wiggal knows what i mean.

Anyways, i had to walk home today and it took me an hour and by the time i was home, my foot which i hurt in an ice skating acident was in agony. Mum said 'oh if its rainging i'll pick you up, else you can walk.' But she's said that several times before, and its been raining at school but not at home, so i've ended up walking in the rain, with no money to get the bus !
Ok....fair enough, young lady :0)

So things have stayed the same then....did you ask her for more change daily to cover you in case of emergencies and what did she say to it?
and can you not do what i suggested last time....get a bit of money out and take it with you, in case you need it.
Oook, I can assure you that Wiggal does not know what you are talking about!?
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'oh but its not even 2 miles home, you'll probably end up spending it on sweets, you won't need it for any other reason, and you can't leave your bike at school so if you go on it in the morning, you'll have to cycle home aswell' I don't even go past any shops that sell sweets, i go past; a chinese, a shoe shop/ trophy ingravers and a dry cleaners/ the place we have to buy our uniform from.

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Bus fares change

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