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nextqueen | 08:53 Wed 10th Nov 2010 | How it Works
7 Answers
how do you copy a selected highlighted piece of text on this darn machine? when you highlight then press command p, it then comes up as print options but there is no selection option.


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That would be because Command + P is the short cut to print.

the short cut for copy is command + C
Question Author
thats what i want to do, print but only what i have selected, not the whole page.
Ah, right, you said copy.

As far as I know there is no direct function to print selections on a mac (unbelievable I know!)

You can get round it by selecting the text you want to print, then clicking on the name of the program you are running in the top bar and selecting services > texedit > new window containing selection. you can then print your selection from the texedit window.
There is a nice little free add on which will do much the same thing with a three key shortcut, it's called Print Selection Service from basically does what Chuck has outlined but without the intermediate steps.
You mean to tell me that the mighty mac cant do what the PC does off the bat
File> Print> Print Selection ?!
Question Author
it is a shocker isnt it, thanks for all your help peeps!
you can print selection if in Excel...
which is you ask me is a cruddy piece of PC created software anyway!

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