Best wishes from me to Dolly when you talk to her Neti/Woofy. Very sad.
I can't find much I like in M&S at the moment - I keep trying. Like both the top and the jacket Shaney, but I think for me smart jackets are a thing of the past. I have a bag of smart jackets ready to go to a shop in town what does good quality used clothing and you get half the proceeds. I keep looking at the bag and umming and harring, perhaps I might need them. But I don't even go to funerals smart these days and as for interviews well....................
I don't think £15.00 is expensive for the top, because Marks and Spencers stuff always washes well and stays in one piece. I have two of three of those tops accumulated over the last few years and they look like new still. Shove them in the wash, hang out to dry back in wardrobe.
Ha, ha Robi I hope you were chanting whilst stabbing your potato!!