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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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ending you some non pee po belly thoughts Lottie.
Now you are getting rid of me ;o( by 'ending' me with your thoughts.

Seriously Woofy, thank you. I am making a very fat female doll and am going to stick pins in it. Don't ask!! 'Tis not a Biddie or anyone in Interweb land.
^^ahh, even if it is a tinter person it can't be me then..."fat doll" :)

Just in case I upset anyone here's your starter
'Tis an absolutey awful woman Robi who Mr LL used to work for! And she is fat, not that that makes he awful, but I will need a lot of materia1.
oh dear, careful, these things can go terribly wrong... :)
Question Author
Lottie, making it out of wax would be good, you can melt it in little bits over a candle or throw it into a pot of boiling water....use an old saucepan though, it can be hell to get clean.....or so I am told <ahem>
quicker still, use a potato, then you can stab it, chop it, and kick her into smithereens.
Question Author
and BOIL the bits bwaaahaaaahaaa (mad laughter)
<note to self...don't upset this lot of mad biddies>
You could draw a little picture of her Lofty .......then scribble all over it :)

Phew's still hot here .Rain was promised but didn't show .
Freddie the Frog hit 30C in the garden and I've just hosed round .
The emmets who have been here for last week or so have had it good .
Ha, ha. You lot cheer me up - I will use a mix of all your methods, but come to think of it she does look like a potato (one that has gone rotten).
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Lottie.....I was being serious........

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Oh dear, <<<<draw a picture of her and scribble over it>>>, makes my suggestion seem totally evil and mad!!! (but I think I am!!)

Just made a chicken curry and a veg curry and poppadoms and rice, couoldn't think what else to do. Have told Mr N off in no uncertain terms cos he had a go at hija unfairly in my opinion (he'll be a potato soon!). Just had a swim and now watching "13" but think I saw it the other day!
where are you all, spud bashing? ha ha,,
Question Author
Nope, been polishing my broom.......
Oight oight all
I've been putting my mouldy spuds in a cauldron and stirring them up whilst casting a spell...
Double double toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog
You'll soon be sitting on the bog .

Oight Oight xx
Love it shaney!!

Are we wicked or what??

oight oight, love you all xxx
And if the bog is hard on a rse
And sitting there a bloomin' farce
Wipe your bum and pray aloft
It isn't Izal but something soft .

Oh go to bed Shaney .
Question Author
lol Shaney thats epic poetry. I am up again with stomach ache. Mint tea seems to be sorting it.
Is there no end to shaney's poetry?

Good morning all!

Poor woofy, you are suffering lately, it'll be that bbq!! Get well soon.

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Dirty dishwasher

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