As I said above, i have uploaded items to sell and given them descriptions etc... then have been trying to see if they ARE on the site and they are not... so when I go into 'My ebay' they are there, I selected them and found a lovely button hiding at the bottom saying 'Send to Auction' so I clicked it to have a big red message saying 'You can only select fixed price listings to send to online auction. Select your fixed price listings and try again.'
what does this mean?!?!
You don't need to track them anyway else than in My eBay, clipclop - all your action takes place there. As long as you have a listing number for each of your items, they are listed.
There is a time delay, between listing up your item, and doing a search to see if it is listed on eBay. You will see it as listed on "My eBay", but if everyone else does a search for your item, the item is subject to a "time delay". Does this help?