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Moral obligation?

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smart1 | 10:48 Fri 18th Mar 2011 | How it Works
26 Answers
I didn't know which heading to put this under, so apologies.
My daughter works in a fast food outlet (she's not proud of that, but a job is a job).
Anyway, she works shifts when she doesn't finish until 3.30am. Obviously there is no public transport runnibg then. The outlet has always provided taxis for these people, and the employee has been asked to contribute to the fare. These people are on minimum wage BTW. Now, the company say they are no longer going to provide taxis, and the employee will have to fund it themselves. Surely this is putting people (mainly young women) at serious risk? Just wondered if they could legally do that? I would simply not work that shift any more, but she tells me that would result in didmissal.


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Well, if your daughter isn't sure of the facts, she should be. Ask for a visit from the area manager. Explain that when she/they took the job, it didn't say OWN TRANSPORT REQUIRED. She was probably told at the time of her interview when working until 3.30am, a taxi home would be provided. Now the contract has changed. She should have been given a copy of her contract - tell them you've all joined UNISON the union ...and can expect a member to come and see them.
Are people queuing up to work late shifts at this KFC? Your daughter could suggest to her employer that the subsidised taxi fare is the only thing that makes economic sense otherwise she will have to leave.
I would write to her direct branch employer first, as this sounds like a local decision, but you can always contact KFC direct - as franchises they don't seem to have a central HR arrangement except for applying for jobs? - but you could try their customer services, they'd point you in the right direction I am sure
I would bring this to the attention of the public via your local paper, your local radio and TV news station etc. I'd even bring it to the attention of your councillor and MP. They'll hate that bad publicity. Hit them where it hurts. And look at your contract as well of course.
well kfc are hardly skint, so id keep pushing this

perhaps something could be arranged where someone who works there does drive could take people home who live near them and be paid for that?

ask them also to try to arrange shifts so that people are heading back to the same areas and can share cabs
and also mainly males do the late shift for safety reasons
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Just want to say a big THANKS to everyone - have spoken to daughter, and she is going to ask for her copy of the contract tonight when she starts @ 5pm till 3.30am! During that shift, she will be allowed a half hour break, and they can tell her to go for that when they like - one time, she had only been there 30mins when she was told to go for her break - then 9and a half hours non- stop working.
She did tell me that when she took the job, the taxi was part of the deal for late shifts.
The place puts me in mind of a Dickens novel !!

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