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Totally Blind

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woodelf | 20:49 Sun 08th Feb 2009 | Insurance
80 Answers
I am totally blind, so my hands and all are my eyes, so anyone know whether I could insure my hands, fingers, etc -- but I aint no celebrity! Ta Muchly


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Excellent stuff woodelf I particularly like "Lake in Autumn"
wow really amazing. I liked je suis seule..... and its nothing to do with the naiked girl honest :)

The beautiful lake was my favourite.
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Many Thanks Indeed to you Ethel, On.K, Fishy and Notafish for your very kind words, they really do mean a lot and I believe you Fishy when you say it's not just cos of the nude (I could have painted that better though) and I hope your friend Ethel does find some use out of my site. Many Thanks again, I'm very grateful.
What size are the paintings, Wood?
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The smallest one Ethel, is The Echo at 18 by 14 inches, the majority of the others are 20 by 16 and a couple are 24 by 18 inches, but I get fed up sometimes at having to restrict my work to the given sizes, though I am working on some paintings that are 24 by 20 and slightly larger,though this is a whole lot harder to do and I have to spend a heck of a lot of time thinking more about what goes where before I actually paint the thing and it takes longer to I might put more work on the site, but that's down to the help I can get with the photoing of the works to be added, etc, etc so I just keep on with the painting of them until I'm satisfied whether or not they are worthy.
And that is absolutely the only reason to paint - to express yourself and satisfy your own need.

All the best, Woodelf, and many thanks for a delightful afternoon
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It has been a pleasure Ethel - may we have many
They are really lovely. I love Lonely Water and The Lake in Autumn.
Wow, I just have to say I like Stoney Road the best, smiley face.
woodelf----Read your website , and am privileged to have done so.

Stony Road was the painting I liked best of all---to me for had an air of mystery , leading to who knows where?

Thank you.
Just got in from work and read through this thread and through your website. You have my fullest admiration and I like all the paintings. I think you are going to have a full inbox this evening saying pretty much the same.
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To Zebedee, Eash, Brenda and JG I Thank You All too for all your great words and thoughts about my work and as with everyone else who has taken the trouble and kindness to reply, this will give me great incentive to carry on with my work when I do get fed up sometimes and wonder if it's all worth it, so I rate all your answers/replies as Excellent...Ta Muchly.
Woodelf, I have another question I simply must ask you. smile

Are you notified when your post has been updated or do you have to rely on the email?

Do you have to listen to all the posts in a very long thread, or does it go straight to the new posts?
So how do you read the questions here, if you are totally blind? Do you have some kind of word recognition software, that reads all the posts here to you?
Velvetee, he explains on a previous post in this thread that a male voice reads it out loud for him.

I hope you look at the website he has posted.
And another though, Woodel..f pensive smile

I have been very tempted to post your website on either the Chatterbank section or the Arts section of AB to bring it to a wider audience.

Of course, it is not for me to do so, but I would like more of us to look at it. smile
I am so glad to find this thread on here. I do hope it can be brought to the attention of others.

I particularly like the work 'Stony Road'.
stumbled cross your thread. Enjoyed your art very much. i gave up painting while at art collage and threw everything away because i hated negative critisisms but you've reminded me that it's all about the feeling and the pleasure you take from it yourself. Ta
Funnily enough, I was admiring the painting of a local artist today in a cafe and feel tempted to start again - just for my own pleasure. I might even get my pastels out tomorrow!

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