Has anyone ever done the MI5 online questionnnaire for intelligence officer? I just heard an ad on the radio and answered the questions. It asked me to apply. I don`t think I will though. I might...
hi again, I've recently been pondering on what it is I am actually going to do when I finish my final year (May 2012) and was considering of getting out of the UK altogether. I am currently in my...
I want a weekend job so I get some experience and I'm ready for futher life.I would say that I'm trust worthy and resposible but who would want me working for them rather than a adult,that's the...
Whats the best way to start an answer for Relevant skills and experience, i thought of "The skills I see as being relevant to the role is" or should i just bullet point the skills and...
I am currently 6 weeks into a 12 week notice period at my current ...or so i thought. It came to light last week (just from chatting to colleague) I had miscalculated my notice period and should only...
Everyone knows that the role of test pilot is the daftest job in the world but what is the actual death rate? How does one get this job and how well paid is it? Would like to know everything about...
Hello, I have worked for Tescos over six years and just recently they have hassled me about saying l will have to work a friday night. l work monday to thursday at the moment and working a friday...
Hello, I've been in my current job for nearly 3 years. It's been very difficult from day 1: many of my job duties are very menial and were not mentioned in the job description or at the interview (and...
My grand-daughter (17yrs and 7 months/still at school doing A levels) has just started working for a shoe chain. She is supposed to work 4 hours on a Sunday at £4.95 per hour but found on her...
Can anyone help please, i work for a charity and we have a contract with the local authority to deliver the social work service on their behalf, our CEO has decided with managers at local authority...
What is the qualification needed by crane drivers in the U.K.? Clearly it would be a crane one, but are there different kinds of them with different weights? Do I have to pay for this myself, or would...
Not sure where to put this so if it should be moved elsewhere please let me know. The letter I got from school stated that the union or members are under no obligation to tell the head teacher they...
Ive been a bit stupid and think i have lost my p60, yes i know i might have made a mistake by osing but what i want to know is would all the information on the p60 be on the last payslip of the tax...
Employment law question. I am an office based employee and have been told I have to attend a company event approx 3 hours away and stay overnight. Can I be forced into doing this?
Does anyone know places looking in and aroung the Dover area looking to employ teenagers (14 year olds)? I am mature, reliable and willing to try anything. Please let me know.
Thank You......
Hello, I am badly bullied at work. It's been going on for 3 years (since day 1), but I can't afford to leave without having a job to go to and the jobmarket isn't exactly dynamic in my sector. I may...
I want a job at 14 but I need a few Ideas,I ope someons has some answers.I don't want a paper round but something else like store stacking or something!!!
Hai,Iam doin Bachelor degree in biotechnology,Im very much interested in forensic science.After completing ma degree in biotechnology,can i get job in forensic industry?Infact we also come across DNA...