Only as far as being able to pay your wages into it. They usually just need your sort code and account number. They cannot legally access your account in order to withdraw any funds from it unless you sign something like a direct debit allowing them to. Neither are they allowed to pass on your details to a third party except in the case of a criminal investigation.
Anyone who writes a cheque hands over details of their bank sort code and account number to the recipient (because they're printed on every cheque). It's not a security problem.
Yeah .........But when I have rang up to check my balance, they'd just ak for the acc No: and the sort code and I can get the balance on my account. So I think they can also get my details.
When you ring up doesn't your bank ask you for any passwords before they give you account details?? If not they should so that I cant ring up say 'My name is Mr/Mrs Dolt and how much is in my account?'
Puternt, it's been awhile since I rang up my bank for a statement, but I'm just concerned about my employers having my details and being ale to access them.
why would they want to do that, dolt? If you ring up these days to ask about your account, you have to answer a load of questions and passwords before the bank will talk to you, the bank won't talk to me about my OH's account - your employer only wants the details so they can pay you.
There is a huge security operation when you ring PhoneBank (Lloyds) before you can get your balance. I frequently transfer money into my husband's account (we have separate current accounts) I give them his account number and they do that no problem but they will not tell me his balance even though I have just given him my money ..... and that's how it should be Dolt.