Yes, prudie's suggestion will also work.
There is a direct equivalence between percentages and fractions and decimals, which works in the following way. 10% really just means "10 per 100", or "10 divided by 100". Thus all percentages can instantly by converted into a fraction by taking the number that's the given percentage, and writing it instead as a number over 100. E.g 25% = 25/100, 33% = 33/100 and so on. This is a one-line result (then, if you like, you can simplify the fraction by using rules such as common factors and what have you, so that 10/100 is really 10/(10*10) = 1/10, as a 10 cancels from top and bottom).
The equivalence to decimals works because, for example, 0.1 means "one-tenth", 0.01 means "one-hundredth". Thus, all percentages can also be converted straight into decimals: 10% can be written 0.10, 33% is 0.33, 25% is 0.25 etc. If the percentage given is less than 100% then just scrub the % sign and put "0." before the number and you have the percentage as a decimal number. If the percentage given is greater than 100 then put that decimal point before the final two digits and after the rest, ie 133% = 1.33.
So we can see that prudie's method will work by adapting my formula a bit:
"= A1-10%*A1"
"=A1-0.10*A1" (converting to a decimal).
"=A1*1-0.10*A1" (because we can multiply anything by 1 and get the same thing back)
"=A1*(1-0.10)" (because A1 is a common factor so we can write what's left as a bracket)
"=A1*(1.00-0.10)" (because we can just shove as many 0's after the decimal point as we like without changing the number)
"=A1*0.90" (perform the subtraction)
Which was prudie's formula.