The problem with quizzes, competitions, employee of the month etc is that they are very one sided and do on speak to the employee about the organisation commitment to them. Proper dialogue between management and employees is harder to achieve and long term but I feel produces better results and give everyone involved more opportunity to improve the business. One way of doing this might be to clearly and distinctly state the organisations goals for the next 12 months and the values that the business feels are important (kindness to colleagues, learning and development, teamwork etc) and ask teams to pledge what they can do to support an organisational goal or value. Then have monthly drop in sessions where very senior management talks to staff about progress, things they think are holding them back, ways to improve, opportunities and risks. Sessions should be facilitated by manAgement but steered by the staff that work for them. If done with sincerity staff may feel they are participating more, feel more committed to the organisation and their pledges, see the bigger picture and understand what the compAny is trying to achieve and how they fit into that. MAnagement also get to tap into all the experience of their staff, understand the reality at the front line better and drive improvement.... in conclusion Engagement is a two way street