First part time job, after school and Saturday, was delivering fruit, flowers and vegetables on an old fashioned 'trade bike'. Really hard work, sometimes a full sack of spuds out to a village 5 or 6 miles out of town. All for 10 bob a week!
First 'proper' job was as a trainee Laboratory Technician for ICI Plastics division research dept.
Then spent the next 40 years in various Laboratory's from Zambia to Saudi Arabia as well as the UK.
Made redundant at 58 and took the only job I could get, as a washer up 'kitchen porter' for a large catering company, working in 8 or 9 different kitchens including hospitals and Cambridge University.( where they were amazed to have a kitchen porter with a degree in Chemistry!)
I'd go back to most of them especially Zambia, but not the trade bike!