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{Dakota} | 10:47 Tue 06th Dec 2005 | Jobs & Education
10 Answers
Hi, I have a part time job, which is cleaning offices for 6 hours per week, spread over 3 days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Last night when I was telling them I was leaving, I found out I had to give 1 month notice (even though I am weekly paid cash in hand), which would take me into January. I want to finish up at the end of this week as I have my grandfathers memorial with family next Wednesday night and the following Friday I have my full time employers Christmas do, which starts a mid day. Then I am leaving my home town for Christmas and New Year so there is 2 weeks I cannot do it then. Is there anything they can do if I just tell them I am not working one month notice?


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You do not have to do 1 months notice if you are paid cash weekly. It doesn't make sense. Tell them you cannot do it for personal reasons they will have to lump it. It happened to me once and I sought advice and they said nobody can make you work your notice.
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Thank you funnywebsite :):):)

I will finish at the end of the week :):):)

How do I tell them politely that I'm not going to work it??

just say you have other personal commitments that you would have had to take time of work for anyway and compromise with them and say you will work,say, a weeks notice.
You can say you have booked a vacation or you have made plans which you cannot cancel. Or white lies like you have to look after a relative who is going into hospital for an operation and needs you to be there when they get out as they will be bed ridden for a while.

Tell them to shove it! They are just being awkward as they know it wont be easy finding a replacement this time of year, however if you require a referance inform your employer that you have personal commitments and politely insist that all monies etc are paid to you in full.


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Thank you Rupert, I wondered if that's why they'd be digging their heels in. I don't need a reference or anything as it is just a part time job that was initially to give me extra money. I'm in a good job during the day and have recently had a hefty pay rise too, so I can afford to tell them to shove it :)

I'm in tomorrow night, so I'll let you know how it goes!

your being far to consenctious dont worry about them cos they wont worry about you good cleaners are hard to find concentrate on your fulltime job and remember they were lucky to have you
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Thank you sue, that was a really sweet post!

Well, I was there tonight and they asked me if I could work this Friday and next Monday and then the Monday, Wednesday and Friday of Christmas week (they knew about my grandas memorial and christmas do). I said I had already made other plans now so I was going to finish this Friday. They didn't say much to that but grumble a bit about how it was short notice to get someone in at this time of year but they'd "have to manage". Yipeeeeee, I'm free as of 7pm this Friday!!! Yipeeeeee :D

Seems to me you gave them a weeks notice, the fact they dug their hills in and didn't accept it on the spot is their problem.

Notice periods are a tricky area, it's not true to say you don't have to work them, you do.... but there is no legal notice period so unless you have it written in a signed contract or were told on employment there was a months notice then you wouldn't have to work it.

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I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

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