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Do I Take This Overtime?

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abbeyleigh | 15:31 Wed 05th Oct 2022 | Jobs & Education
16 Answers
I have been asked if I can do overtime Saturday but I never get Saturdays off and had plans. I don't know weather to do it or not


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Do'll be seen as keen and willing to do more than what is expected. Besides, Christmas is coming and extra money is handy.
15:39 Wed 05th Oct 2022
Seems to me looking back on your previous questions that you are incapable of making even the simplest descisions. It is a wonder you managed to get employment.
Do'll be seen as keen and willing to do more than what is expected. Besides, Christmas is coming and extra money is handy.
Sorry Abbey, but it's really your decision entirely, we would need to know a lot more about your preferences, plans, etc., before offering any advice.
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Sorry like been asked on a date and we had to cancel before and never get Saturdays off
You say you never get Saturdays off...does that mean you usualy do overtime on a Saturday
So , you finally got a job then ?
depends how much you need the money. If you don't, just tell them you're otherwise engaged.
You never get Saturday off but you made plans for Saturday! That does not make sense. Can you explain your problem more clearly
Simple decision....
Q - will refusing overtime have bad consequences at work?

Answer No - go on the date
Answer Yes - do the overetime
You’ve been ‘asked’ not ‘told’. Say ‘no’ if you don’t want to do it.
Say no in a polite way, and tell them how it is, explaining that since you normally work on a Saturday and this is the first one off in ages, you have a date!
Overtime is usually voluntary.

Which job did you get and how many Saturdays have you worked so far?
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Not if you're gold prospecting , 1ozzy
I'd agree to work - in any case you will probably cancel the date because you can't decide what to wear.
Cue a New Look advert telling us what you are planning to wear.

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Do I Take This Overtime?

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