Technology7 mins ago
What Do I Do About My Other Job?
I work in care home but my hours were cut there so I felt I needed another job to support me financially I got another job very quick in Home bargains but I'm not liking and feeling very tired all the time and not belonged there. Do I quit if my boss agrees to up my hours
abbey- you just typed "They said they haven't got anything right now but I got leave to take"
Who or what was that in reponse to please?
Can you clarify with a bit more detail? Who hasn't got anything- the existing care home, another carehome, the kennels? And what;s the relevance of your having leave to take (from Care Home or HB?)
Maybe when you reply in future you could indicate which post you are responding to and just give a bit more detail/clarity about what you are trying to say.
Abbey you had a very good job at a dentist, I know it was a bit further away but it had a good future - why did you leave that one?
Your other jobs since the dentist let you (fired you) because they felt you were putting in the effort.
The cleaning job at the care home has reduced your hours because they felt you could not cope with 'the pressure'
Can you see what is going on ?
i don't uderstand how if you find working 2 jobs "too tiring" when together they don't even add up to full time hours, you are going to be able to manage a full time job. Unless you have some sort of physical disability orphysical illness, it's pretty shocking you can't even work part time hrs without being too tired
yet, she still appears to have the energy for an active social ;life.
if a disability is causing abbey not to be able to work full time, she should get benefits to top her up
if a disability means she cant work full time and have an active scial life, she should drop the social life a bit and concentrate on work