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What Do I Do If My Work Don't Reply?

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abbeylee90 | 13:19 Mon 13th Nov 2023 | Jobs & Education
554 Answers

I've sent the care home an email asking if I can change my days as my new job days were only available Monday yo Wednesday. What do I do they haven't replied to my email.



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You'll need to work hard to make sure you impress them in your new job to make sure they don't fail your probation or reduce your hours, and also try harder to be flexible and avoid issues with your supervisor- and be lucky to find you enjoy working with your colleagues and managers. With all that you might just make more of a success of it than in your last few roles
21:16 Mon 13th Nov 2023

She'll be more upset that you've not been truthful with you.

Does she never ask you about how your day went at Home Bargains or wonder why you're wearing cleaning clothes not home bargains black? Or wonder why you  have Thursdays off and recently took two weeks unpaid leave?

For the cleaning job at people's homes do you report to an office first thing? I'm wondering if they'll start picking you up from your home or getting you to make your own way there. Your mum would find out then.


How is this for a way of telling Mum?  

Tell her the care home expected cleaners to work at breakneck speed which you tried hard to achieve, but they  reduced your hours instead. 

You felt the reduced hours were not acceptable, so you took the decision to find yourself a cleaning job with longer hours. It is only one stop away on the local train.  You still do Fridays at the care home at the moment but with a different role.

That is the most gentle way I can think of :(

Abbey, although the care home may have been 'perfect for you', you obviously weren't perfect for it! Instead of telling your mum you were going to Home Bargains 'for a bit more money', you should have told her the truth then, about your hours being cut. Although your mum would have been disappointed, seeing you searching for another job straight away would have tempered that a little. I don't know how she'd react to your very brief time at Home Bargains, or your attempts to get the care home to accomodate the hours,shifts you want. Like many of us, she might just want you to get a job that you stick at for a while!

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No she works and I be there to early.

I wish I had told her why I went to home bargains from beginning now but hated it there.

On Friday one of my colleges said ask do they want me to do few hours as we short then when I asked my supervisor she said we're not before my colleuge she was meant to have day off from cleaning and doing laundry but put her on cleaning as someone was ill but said she going to do a room and go back to laundry went to find her at break to help her look for another job but couldn't find.

Do you actually read what you've written before you press 'Answer Now' ?

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I mean my mum works early and I get there to early if she dropped me off.

I get Xmas off in my new job so what do I tell her about why I have it off?


Just tell her the truth and be honest with her in future.

Wasn't my suggestion as near to the truth as you are likely to get, in view of the pickle you are in?

Mum already said (at least you told us she said ) "jack it in" at HB if you didn't like it ?


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Yes thank you floko good advice.

She didn't know mu hours were cut

Just tell her you have it off because it's Christmas.

Abbey, your response at 12:06 is unintelligible to me I'm afraid.

I only look in now and then Abbey but am puzzled as to how your mother is not aware of your comings and goings to work
and the changes which take place in your routine.   Do you two not speak to one another as a mother/daughter or does she just assume that you (as a 30+ female) know what is best for you?

"On Friday one of my colleges said ask do they want me to do few hours as we short then when I asked my supervisor she said we're not before my colleuge she was meant to have day off from cleaning and doing laundry but put her on cleaning as someone was ill but said she going to do a room and go back to laundry went to find her at break to help her look for another job but couldn't find."

Please can you re-read that abbey then repost it a way that's understandable. You must have a good grasp of punctuation as you did so well at GCSE English Language, so I think it would be helpful if you were to try using some.

You beat me to it, canary.

It seems straightforward to me abbey:  your mum knew you had taken on the HB role because your care home role wasn't full time; she also knew you weren't enjoying HB; so give here the good news that you have left HB and found a much better job, but you've had to swap hours around a bit between care home and cleaning.

I think the 1206 post was Abbey just  thinking out loud ! 🤣

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I only look and then for a new job full time.

It's long to explain on here but colleuge said we are short staffed and do they need me to stay more hours as she don't want to clean no more and supervisor said no

Apart from who said what regarding what to whom.....stop ....toddle off and talk to Mum.....

College? I thought it was a care home?

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