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What Do I Do If My Work Don't Reply?

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abbeylee90 | 13:19 Mon 13th Nov 2023 | Jobs & Education
554 Answers

I've sent the care home an email asking if I can change my days as my new job days were only available Monday yo Wednesday. What do I do they haven't replied to my email.



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You'll need to work hard to make sure you impress them in your new job to make sure they don't fail your probation or reduce your hours, and also try harder to be flexible and avoid issues with your supervisor- and be lucky to find you enjoy working with your colleagues and managers. With all that you might just make more of a success of it than in your last few roles
21:16 Mon 13th Nov 2023

Ignore all that about what your colleague says. I would assume your employer is not interested in giving you more hours in any circumstances.


That was colleague helly


Colleague !

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New I said to that to her anyway as they've taken on someone else 

Abbey, I think the care home are treating you the same way as you are treating them - they'll give you one day a week until something/someone better comes along! It'd be good if your second week in the new job went better than the first - but a total of 29 hours (in total) is surely not the ideal?  Is your mum not pushing you to get a real/full-time job? 

What about father? Does he not get a word in Abbey?  

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Yes of course that why supervisor couldn't change my day to Thursday instead of Monday and Wednesday so more than likely see less of me or I leave. I'm not down to work over any Xmas period there.

Thanks, Abbey. You're obviously not intending to stay at the care home, nor are the care home intending to offer you a permanent, full-time job. You'll maybe have to step up a gear for looking for a  post with decent hours! The past few months have seen you trying various things, various places, but so far nothing has worked out. 

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Nevacross yes I can't live on 9 hours per week or I'd be happy if I had enough hours but will have to look for something full time. I'm starting to regret turning the warehouse down.

Abbey, maybe all the upheaval - and the lack of success - over the past few months has given you a bit of a jolt? If you do end up back in a warehouse job, I think you'll need to give it all you've got, to try to get a permanent, full-time position. 

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Well I always asked my supervisor when I wad there what jobs shall I do and fact that they replaced me before I went is what makes it a tricky one.

Thanks,Abbey - but wasn't that the job where you said the supervisor made you feel uncomfortable (later you said he was a bully)? 

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No supervisor was nice that was the manager 

Thanks,Abbey. I do remember little snippets, but not all the details! Was the warehouse the place the girl was bullied because she was female? I think you maybe also mentioned bad reviews? Anyway,that job didn't last, didn't work out- and there's no point in looking back, that won't help your current situation.

Do you still volunteer at the kennels, Abbey  - is this at weekends?

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Yes never you are right.

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Moore yes I do 

Abbey, it'd be good if you just shunted all the previous bad experiences to the very back of your mind! Put your time and energy into getting the next full-time job and then make sure you do enough for that to be a permanent one. 

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I'll do my very best obviously first week I'll be knackered 

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