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Should I Start Looking For A New Job?

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abbeylee90 | 18:12 Mon 10th Jun 2024 | Jobs & Education
347 Answers

Basically my hours have been cut in selco to 24 hours for 4 weeks as I am not grasping the products with it becoming summer it is getting busy and they can't have another cashier with me so if I don't grasp within 4 weeks won't be able to have me as a cashier. I am very upset as I enjoy it.



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But you're not going to the doctor.  Book Saturday appointments in future.  

A schedule two weeks in advance should be plenty of time to book a doctor. If a medical emergency you phone in on your way to the doctor.

15.11 'I'm not sure in next coming weeks what I will be able to afford '

18.13 'Well yes  I gotta have my hair done and be off on the day'.

You couldn't (or could!) make it up!!!

I think you could captain ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ over 200 replies the admin will be cracking open the Prosecco tonight ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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I could be put I'm for Saturday eventually 

Abbey, you're making excuses.  You've got a decent job now so organise your private life around your working life - not the other way around.  We all have to do it.    Your job is important - without it you can't afford a hairdresser  - or anything else.  Be sensible.  

Could you not make a few hair appointments and cancel any you can't make when you get your rota?

Is your hair really that important you'd use up a whole day's leave?

If you had a doctor's appointment, you would be given time off to attend it, so the comparison is a poor one.

Abbey if you are dyslexic and dyspraxic then you should make your employer aware of this and make sure they known the challenges you have in remembering the stock etc. they are legally bound to help you or put you in a different role that does not involve memorising stock. As for taking time off for hairdressing appointments ,it's time you put your big girl pants on and realised if you lose your job you won't be able to afford a Hairdresser 

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Yes I get that but everyone has thier hair done with mine you have to give notice and they don't ask for a reason why I want a day off it one day. I told my boss and the girl who trained me did she also has it, her probation extended twice as she wasn't grasping the products.

Do you mean you have your appointment as the same time as your friends with that last remark? 

Just because she had her probation extended doesn't mean you will.

Abbey, if you're taking a legitimate day's holiday that's fine but don't make excuses to get off work because they will know and they won't trust you.  Make appointments outside your working hours in future.  Show your bosses you're trustworthy.

'Put your big girl pants on' made me smile - its something redhelen used to say to abbey

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No I haven't planned anything with my friends. My hairdresser is booked in advance so I can only book it off to go to it they won't do it last minute 

Yes, I get that - but book your next appointment outside working hours.

//20:27 Tue 09th Jul 2024//

Too right Aunty๐Ÿคฃ

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It's actually 27 hours next week but one shifts is for 2 hours.

That's good, Abbey.

That is good news, abbey.  

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But the week is 10 hours ๐Ÿ˜ซ 

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