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Do I Tell People Who Don't Already Know About Selco?

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abbeylee90 | 19:30 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
65 Answers

Not everyone in my life knows I work in selco, I didn't tell them incase it didn't work out, what do I do now?



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"Not everyone in my life knows I work in selco"

and i would guess that fewer care

Maybe many of the people in your life don't care. If they did they'd have conversations with you about work and surely you can't lie to them all and pretend you're still at the care home or in Home Bargains etc, and they'd probably also wonder why you don't have loads of cash now or why you seem to be at home so much

Why can't you just be honest with people? Just tell them, why is it such a big secret?

i was just thinking about my job.  My daughter wouldnt be able to tell you what i do, and neither would my mum.

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If they ask I'll be honest but not just tell them.

Dear Abbey,

                       My granddaughter is called Abigail, so forgive me if I talk to you as I would to her, please.  She is reading Eng. Lit at Warwick, so is not all that much younger than you.

You have got yourself into a real muddle, thinking 'shall I do this, shall I do that?'  'Did I tell whoever this, or didn't I?'

You are making your life horribly complicated and you are having to overthink things. Read the next line carefully.

You can stop this and make life better. Tell the truth. 

Did you get that? 

I'm being very serious.  I think you like the on-line attention, but people do run out of patience.  A lot of your problems are imaginary or easy enough to solve, but you worry and nag on about tiny details. 

Tell the truth and you will get proper advice.

I don'tknow what moreI can say,



Jourdain2, what a good, useful, helpful post!

Bednobs- surely your mum and daughter would have an idea where you worked, whether it was 7 hours a day or 2 hours, whether you worked in an office, shop or went out dressed for a building site or warehouse.

Good Morning, 

I think it is a waste of time to tell anyone that you are 'working' at Selco.

You don't tell your mother the truth so why tell anyone else the truth!

Yes you're right they know where I work just not what my job is. They probably presume I work full time because that's what normal people do

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Of course my mum knows where I work I told her I worked there before anyone else.

Abbey, although your mum knows where you work, I remember many of us were stunned when you said you hadn't told her your care home hours had been drastically cut back, and I don't think you told her when the cleaning company also cut your hours way, way down. I think we've all got used to you telling the minimum of people the minimum of information. I think that's q bit sad, it'd be good to talk properly with your friends,say, rather than keep things from them. I know you always say this is 'in case things don't work out', but I feel you could do with all the support you can get, especially as things often don't work out.

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Yeah that fine but if she asks why I left selco what do I say?

The truth.

If they fire you say "I was asked to leave"

If you leave say "I got another job at------

Just be honest Abbey.  Stop overthinking everything and making up stuff - it will only come back and hit you later.

I repeat, just be honest, right ?

There's an old common saying, "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive".  It's so so true.  However good your intentions, most of your problems arise as a result of your failure in this respect.

Good luck with the straight and narrow !

Abbey, you keep asking this and we keep saying "tell the truth." 

Abbey,would you rather we told you something else? I think that's about a year now since many people here suggested  you stop telling lies, hiding things. Yes, it must have been awful for you when the care home and the cleaning firm both felt you couldn't do the job, but you then got into a big mess because it was all to be kept a big secret!

scorpiojo - I honestly now believe that Abbey does not read all the responses or, if she does glance at them, rejects immediately those giving her advice she would rather not hear.

Sadly, I don't think there is anything I or anyone can write that will make any difference to her unless she has someone actually there making her take note.

And I agree with you, jourdain.


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I know what you're saying but reason I'm looking is coz I'm not getting the hours they promised me 

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