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Would It Be A Bad Thing If I Told People I'm Looking For A New Job?

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abbeylee90 | 20:25 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | Jobs & Education
200 Answers

A colleuge said today he think my boss (checkout manager) would be on my side if he knew and I was looking and managers wouldn't care.



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No problem.

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I going to charity shop on Mondays now

Good of you to volunteer, Abbey - and who knows, it could be a while before you get a full-time job....

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Yes and job did seem abit daunting. It printing lables, dispatching and I'd be working on my own.

Abbey, I am sure the job will be fine. I have four charity shops near me, most of them staffed by 'older' workers - if my 85-year-old neighbour can do it, I'm sure you'll manage!

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No previous experience required; full training provided.Ability to work in a fast-paced environment.Strong attention to detail and commitment to quality.Reliable and punctual with a strong work ethic.Physically fit and able to lift and move items as needed.

Might apply for this I think 

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I got experience in charity shops it just volunteering.

Abbey, you're doing confusing posts again.You said you were starting work at the charity shop on Monday, then went on to say the job was ' bit daunting'... then say you've worked in charity shops before. Did you mean the job mentioned earlier in the afternoon, the interview/pre-interview chat job is the one that's a bit daunting? And you're now giving the job spec for another position you might apply for! I'm glad you feel you match the criteria listed, some of it seems a bit of a stretch for me.

Neveracrossword, I think abbey is talking about the job she went to the interview for.

Cross posted.

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Yes I went for a chat earlier and it seems daunting.

Went for a trial in charity shop today going back and doing one day a week Monday.

"Strong attention to detail and commitment to quality.Reliable"

Do you really think this sums you up?

Question Author

A job I found that I might apply for.


No previous experience required; full training provided.

Ability to work in a fast-paced environment.

Strong attention to detail and commitment to quality.

Reliable and punctual with a strong work ethic.

Physically fit and able to lift and move items as needed.

What are you going to do at the charity shop?

Thanks, Naomi. I didn't think of that - the job details Abbey mentioned seemed nowhere near as hard as the earlier info on that job/possible job!

//Might apply for this I think //

Do you mean the charity shop... or have you introduced  another job into this thread?

//I got experience in charity shops it just volunteering.//

Good, some more won't harm your CV and will help you develop your skills. 

But, to make your posts easier to follow, please use more punctuation - I've never seen a comma, hyphen or semi colon in  your posts- and please include important words like IS which you tend to leave out.


Ability to work in a fast-paced environment.

Strong attention to detail and commitment to quality.

Reliable and punctual with a strong work ethic.

Physically fit and able to lift and move items as needed."

Again do you think this sums you up?

Okay, your post at 18:34, which wasn't there when I started typing, answers my question.

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I been on floor today.

No this a warehouse I'm apply for. Full time.

//I been on floor today.

No this a warehouse I'm apply for. //

Okay, maybe I'll have to accept that's the way you are always going to write and probably speak, whether on here or in job applications and interviews and in your job.. It's hard to read and leads to confusion, but maybe that's just the way it's always going to be.


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