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What Do I Do If I Get This Job?

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abbeylee90 | 20:47 Sun 03rd Nov 2024 | Jobs & Education
362 Answers

I got an interview tomorrow in a new shop opening which is meant to be on 9th. I need to give 2 weeks notice to selco so what do I say?


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I'm ok with working 40 hours per week it's just retail work.

On Sunday you said you had an interview "tomorrow" which would have been Monday.  It's now Tuesday so how did the interview go?  When will you know whether you got the job or not?

Question Author

I've got I been writing it on this thread.

Abbey...I'm just taking a step back. Have you had the offer confirmed in writing? I'm puzzled as to why you're not sure if it's 40 hours or not.

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Yes in the interview he said full time is 40 hours per week.

Was it a face to face interview or telephone interview 

Are you sure of the offer terms.

You should press for an offer in writing so there's no misunderstanding.


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Was face to face and I haven't had my contract.


When is your start date Abbey, do you have the name of the person you have to report to

Abbey, the interview was only yesterday, so it might be later this week that you get the actual contract. 

They might have to check your references too.

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It's 25th and only the number I rung for an interview as person who offered me a job rung on a private number.

Abbey, I get the impression you don't really want this job.  If you don't then don't take it because it won't last.

Abbey, how many hours does your mum think you're doing at Selco, and how are you explaining not giving her money for your keep?

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Well I've applied for another job aswell but no guarantee I'll get it but if I did I'd more excited about starting that one. I give her keeps.

I wonder if Bailey's reads Answerbank??

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I doubt but also there's no reviews on indeed from employers.

I cannot believe... 217 answers so far...

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If I don't take it what do I say?

Did you tell them you were taking it?  If you did you'll just have to say you've changed your mind - but if you're going to do that, just do it.  Don't mess people around.

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