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Company or me wrong?

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Sasha13 | 20:38 Mon 30th Jan 2006 | Jobs & Education
12 Answers
OK here's one. I am expected to go to London for a business meeting soon (this is a several hour train ride away). In order to catch my train I have to travel from home to the train station before the first bus runs (my usual method of transport). It's about 6 miles from home to the train station so I can't reasonably be expected to walk. My company is telling me I have to pay for a taxi. I think they have to as I am going to this meeting at their request. Can anyone shed any light on this for me? Do I have a leg to stand on in law?


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If you are a few hours away from London then you are, like me, somewhere out in the sticks and things such as taxis are quite a bit cheaper. Six miles to the station? What's that going to cost - a fiver or so? Stop whingeing and pay up. I don't doubt that you could call in your union reps and they would lay down the law. But is that what you really want? If I were your boss you would already be getting right up my nose.

I think you should pay for the cab first and then put in an expenses claim for reimbursement afterwards.

I don't think you can be expected to pay for a cab when you normally would use the bus, especially as it's being taken in order, in effect, at the company's request.

If it's that important that you get to the meeting, why are they not sending you the night before and putting you up in an hotel?

I wouldn't make a huge fuss about the paying the cost of the cab - in advance - but I would make sure I put in a proper expenses claim, including the cab cost, and probably to include breakfast on the train.....

If the company doesn't repay your legitimate expenses incurred soley to enable you to complete your duties then you should find another job.

i agree that you should,nt have to pay for a taxi, what next, meeting in paris get your own plane ticket. look at your conditions of service,seek advise from other employees/union if one available, its no good putting in an expense form after the event. ps to the previous post if its only �5 why don,t you pay for sasha13 taxi.
A taxi that early in the morning would be charged at probably time and a half, unless it was on a Sunday and then it would be more. i live out in the sticks and yes cabs are cheaper, but it would cost me about �12 at that time in a morming to go 6 miles, which is how far away from home I actually work, and I have had to do the journey by cab after midnight, but the company paid. Mind u, it was as a contract rate, a private rate wouil be dearer.
A taxi where I live would cost about �12 to �15 for a six mile journey. You should not be expected to pay. You should also claim for any expense incurred for meals and refreshments during the course of the meeting. There are some cheapskate companies out there,don't let them get away with it.

tell them its not possible for you to get to the station until the buses start - so suggest will have to reschedule the time of the meeting to fit around this....

they won't like that!

you do not have to pay this

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Thanks for your answers - No, I'm not what I would call in the sticks (not sure that everywhere 'a few hours away from London' is). The trip will be about �10. My company is not some back water small fry outfit but a blue chip well known company which makes it even worse! We'll have to see how it all pans out! Thanks for the advice.
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I am sure that if it was the other way round (london colleagues coming to you) they would claim expenses and you would have to wait for them to arrive.
Insist that you cant (wont) get there at the time prescribed unless expenses are paid or an over night stay in an hotel is arranged.
I am presuming you are manager aren't you? You have some position in this company and that counts for something. You are obviously needed at this meeting - they need you to be there more than you need to be there.
This isnt about the money - this is a point of principle. I personally would stand firm on this.
Lets us know how you get on.
Any business trip requested by your company is subject to travel expenses that have to be claimed by you - with a valid receipt..... FROM your place of work - NOT home. I understand where you're coming from with the principle here. But no company without prior agreement from them has to pay for your travel from your home.

Your company don't cover the cost of you coming to work every day, so it's not reasonable to expect them to pay to get you to the station. I assume they are paying your rail fare and associated expenses whilst in London?

out of hours or special travel requests are not your normal commute to work. many companies have an account with a minicab firm, would that be an option?put in an expense chit for all your expenses for the day, food, bus, taxi/minicab. etc. remember to keep reciepts.

failing that, nick enough stationary to cover your costs!!! only joking.

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