Below is list of positive and negative indicators for personal responsibility. If your examples are geared to demonstrate those behaviours then you should have no problems. The list comes form the National Police Competency Framework
Positive Indicators
Takes personal responsibility for own actions.
Takes on tasks without having to be asked.
Uses initiative.
Takes action to resolve problems and fulfill own responsibilities.
Keeps promises and does not let colleagues down.
Takes pride in own work.
Is conscientious in completing work on time.
Follows things through to a satisfactory conclusion.
Shows enthusiasm about own role.
Focuses on a task even if it is routine.
Improves own job-related knowledge and keeps it up to date.
Is open, honest and genuine, standing up for what is right.
Negative Indicators
Passes responsibility upwards inappropriately.
Is not concerned about letting others down.
Will not deal with issues, just hopes that they will go away.
Blames others rather than admitting to mistakes or looking for help.
Is unwilling to take on responsibility.
Puts in the minimum effort that is needed to get by.
Shows a negative and disruptive attitude.
Shows little energy or enthusiasm for work.
Expresses a cynical attitude to the organisation and their job.
Gives up easily when faced with problems.
Fails to recognise personal weaknesses and development needs.
Makes little or no attempt to develop self or keep up to date.