To work as a midwife you will either have to qualify as a nurse and then do a conversion course or obtain a university degree (or degree-level diploma). The normal qualifications to be accepted for the degree or diploma courses include 5 GCSEs (at grades A to C) to include English (and either maths or a science subject) plus a minimum of 2 A-levels.
It's possible that the Nursing & Midwifery Admissions Service might accept satisfactory study in an access course at a further education college, as an alternative to the GCSEs and A-levels, but you should check this with college/university you're hoping to study with (or with NMAS) before commencing such a course.
Access courses usually last for 1 year full-time or longer part-time. The degree/diploma course will probably last at least 3 years.
It might also be possible to find employment as, say, a healthcare worker and then study for a level 3 NVQ which could be used to gain admission to a midwifery course.
Source: urcareer/jobprofiles/profiles/profile326/