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Golden Hello - Teaching

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kevh_uk | 13:14 Wed 26th Nov 2008 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
I am an NQT this year in Mathematics and I know that I am eligible for a "Golden Hello" of �5000 upon the finishing of this year, as long as I have a permanent job in secondary school to go into next year which I do.

I was wondering if anybody has applied and received this payment anytime recently and could tell me what the time frame has been from application to payment. I am intending on only staying in my next year until about March as I want to go travelling (ideally with that money) I am aware that if I don't receive it whilst I am in a job within 12 months then I will no longer be eligible for it.

Also is the golden hello paid in installments or one lump sum? Any help would be much appreciated.


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Thanks buddy, but I've already been there and it doesn't state if it's paid in installments or how long the process is from application to payment.

That's mainly what I'm after...any other offers?
I see no reason why it would be in instalments. If it were anything but a lump sum it would be made clear. Have you asked your local authority how long it would take them as I uspect it varies but I can't see any reason why t wuld take more than a 4-6 weeks. You'll certainly get it by March. I'm in a similar position and I'm not expecting any delays as I've not heard of delays for colleagues

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Golden Hello - Teaching

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