The other day, when it was really cold, i opened the front door to our office to one of my collegues, who i see about once a week and i get on with quite well, although he does have a stroppy streak in him (he has never been like it with me) To make small talk, i mentioned how cold it was outside, and as i reached up to put the code into the combination lock to open the second front door to our office, he grabbed my wrist realy hard, i turned round in horror and astonishment as to what he was doing, he replied "that cold". i have no idea why he did that i had quite a red wrist for some time after, why didnt he jsut answer?! is he showing his authority (he is not a manager, just our IT Guy) or was he just actually showing how cold it is & didnt realise how hard he grabbed?!
I think the salient point is 'IT guy' - with the best will in the world many of the teckies are a tad lacking in social skills. He probably fancies you but hasn't the first idea how to make any kind of chitchat or contact, and he was probably just trying to show how chilly his ickle handies were.
i agree with the IT guy thing for sure!! however i dont think he would fancy me, he seems ver in love with his wife and is always showing my the latest pics of his kids!! He seems very devoted...just found it so odd, i wouldnt grab someone to prove the cold...
There's obviously some pent up passion there - I think he would have liked to have spun you round and snogged the very being out of you but then held back at the last minute knowing what a crazy, impulsive human he might have become. Make sure he goes back in his cupboard till next Xmas
Sounds like he was just trying to have bit of fun but went a bit over the top-men don't know there own strength sometimes. And he probably didn't mean to do it so hard.
thanks for everyones responses, look out for any other posts with this title, if anything happenes again i shall let you know!!
Coming to think of it, he has done something funny to me before at last years xmas party he was trying to prove to my boyfriend he was stronger, and suggested a competition to see how high they could both lift me...maybe he jsut likes to show off his strength!!