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Benefit Fraud ?

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jakey01 | 14:19 Sun 07th Dec 2008 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
Can anyone advise me the rules on receiving maternity benefit. The case in question involves someone who was working for one employer, left on maternity benefit ,had the child then worked for a different employer on a "cash in hand" basis whilst still claiming benefit.
Has she broken the law ?


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What benefit was she claimng- State unemployment benefits, Statutory maternity pay or employer's maternity benefits? How many payments was she getting?
It would appear so.
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I am not sure, I believe it was statutory maternity pay. Is there any way for me to find out ?
If she is receiving Maternity Allowance, she can work for a total of ten days without it being affected. If it�s Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) she is allowed to work ten days for the employer paying the SMP. However, if she does any work for another employer, the SMP should stop.

You will not be telt anything about another person�s Benefits so there is no point in asking DWP or HMRC what she's getting. If you have any suspicions you can �phone 0800 854 440 between 7.00 am and 11.00 pm

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Benefit Fraud ?

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