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JSA Abroad

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djtdjt | 16:01 Sat 17th Oct 2009 | Jobs & Education
2 Answers
I was on JSA for 6 months, got a job (temp) and now it's finished, if i claim JSA again can i go abroad and still claim? i assume not as you have to sign on every two weeks and prove you are looking for work, can i do that in another country (EU)? TIA.


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Jobseeker's Allowance

Information about contribution-based and income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) if you are moving or living abroad.
Contribution-based JSA

You cannot usually get contribution-based JSA outside the EEA. However, you may be able to get contribution-based JSA in the EEA for up to three months if you:

* are entitled to contribution-based JSA on the day you go abroad
* have registered as a jobseeker for at least four weeks before you leave
* are available for work and actively seeking work in Great Britain up to the day you leave
* are going abroad to look for work
* register for work at the equivalent of a Jobcentre in the country you are going to
* follow the other country's system for claiming benefit

Income-based JSA

If you are going abroad permanently you cannot get income-based JSA.

You cannot usually get income-based JSA if your stay abroad is only temporary.

Check with your local Jobcentre or Jobcentre Plus office if you need to fill in any forms before you go abroad.
If you leave the country you automatically cease to be eligible for JSA. I once made the mistake of telling a JobCentre Plus employee that I was going on a day trip abroad. (It was on a Sunday, when there was even less chance of getting any work than during the week, and I stated that I'd cancel the trip if I was offered any work for that day). I was told, very firmly, that I must sign off JSA before going abroad for just a few hours, and then sign on again (with all the tedious interview procedures) when I came back.


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