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running workshops...

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joko | 23:14 Fri 18th Jun 2010 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
is there a formula, or structure that is generally expected to be followed in running workshops?

is there an expectation of a sort of syllabus?

are childrens workshops expected to run to a plan or is it more a case of getting the necessary equipment together and generally experimenting?

does anyone know of a course or a book that details what is likely to be expected of you if you run a workshop?



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Have a look at this, I hope it helps.
There are plenty of books and guides about running classes and workshops yes, but there are some general rules:
know who your audience is, age and ability
describe some learning outcomes, what they'll be able to do by attending
have a rought syllabus if not a timetabled one - you need a plan to start with
parents will want to know what's happening, especially if you're asking them to pay

do you need accreditation of any sort, i.e. local authority approval? we run children's workshops as part of our local community theatre and we have affiliated to the county council young people's/education department, also people running workshops for children have to be CRB checked, registers kept, documentation about youngsters on medication etc. It is quite a minefield (but you may already know this!).
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thanks for that marval, but thats more designed for office workers, ill check the site though.

cheers boxtops thats you know the names of any of the books or where i can find guides? i seem to be having no luck looking online...i figured there would be loads but there isnt.

i have a crb already... but i dont want to feel unprepared so want a guide to make i do it all professionally and legally.

would you know any governing bodies or places to approach to help me get going? i am in the northwest

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