Welcome to Law. Here you can ask questions about civil and criminal law, how courts work, redundancy, crime, and anything else law-related.
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I have just recieved the keys to a property that i agreed needed 2 toilets for medical needs. I viewed the property whilst both toilets were connected. I signed the tenancy and on collecting the... ...
My neighbour has had all her front windows smashed earlier in January - police are investigating. My neighbour is a tenant - I haven't asked her when they are being repaired because I have... ...
2 family members took equity release many years ago and one has since died. A daughter moved in with her father in the house about 6 years ago as she was homeless. If her father dies can she... ...
I'm looking for some advice for a friend, who has a brother with a severe learning disability (fragile x), and lacks capacity. She lives with him to ensure he is ok, and a trust was set up by... ...
I have both Power of Atorney and Will in place. The Will I remade/updated after my husband passed passed away 2½ yrs ago. The Power of Atorney was joint and made at least 15 yrs ago. One of the... ...
I was recently assaulted, the guy who did it was arrested and charged and I have to go to court about it in a couple of months. How does it all work in Scotland? Will I meet with a representative... ...
I've been sentenced to 140hrs of community work . I am currently exclusively breastfeeding and also main carer for my disabled mother . I don't know nor does my probabtion officer how this can... ...
Thanks for reply I am still not sure about the two squares on the form stating what do you want health or wealth cover.I have already started to fill in form If I tick both will I have to pay the... ...
Hi, not sure if i'm posting on the right forum, my better half and i both have cars on finance because we work at opposite ends of the City we live in, in a week or so we will both be working for... ...
My stepson had a stroke in June 2024. He is the manager of a well known chemist chain. He was off work for approximately five months on full pay, then for several weeks on Ssp. He is now on a phased... ...
Just found out that its illegal to smoke in cars if you have someone under the age of 18 with you. As I havn't smoked or owned a car for many years this one has passed me by. However, I'm now... ...