Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to do this online?
My friend has found the right form online but it will not allow her to 'save' and return to it later.
All advice gratefully accepted...
Hello I wonder if anyone can help me with this. A friend of mine had a knocking sound coming from his car (BMW) and took it to the main dealership to see if they fix the fault. They told him the sound...
Don't quite know where to post this. I'm a Senior Carer working in a Residential Care Home, not EMI registered or nursing. 26 bed home with 10 double handed care. 1 lady came into us after a fall and...
Hi there, The company I work for has been taken over and all salaried staff (general Manager, deputy and Head Chef ) have had to reapply for their positions but all hourly paid have not had to and...
Hi, I am currently going through a divorce. My husband does not intend to defend the divorce, so I am now going to apply for a decree nidi. However, I cannot find any detailed guides to do this. There...
I want to go down the Section 8 notice route to evict a tenant. Grounds are 3 months 1 week outstanding rent which are covered by 2 grounds under Section 8. I would like to know what pre-action I...
My mother has been in a care home in Scotland - I live in England. She is suffering from Dementia - an Adult with Incapacity - since 2006. She had savings of £34.000. In order to obtain a Financial...
So after waiting several months for the other side to seek counsel advice in a will dispute, they are trying to have overturned. We have received a copy of a psychiatric report they have obtained. If...
About six years ago my Mum bought her council flat. One of the clauses was that she did not re-sell for seven years, unless it is back to the HA. Yesterday she told me she had spoken to her...
I work as a cleaner earning £11000 per annum and work 28 hours per week. I am 64 years old. Am I entitled to tax credits / Thank you....
A lady I know, married for 5 years, has split from her husband. The husband owns the house and she owns a weekend cottage. There are no children from this marriage. Living apart now, she feels...
I have been a single parent for 18 years and I worked hard to ensure my kids had a good life. I have three jobs and a mortgage and i have never claimed benefits. I have £250,000+ equity on my home...
has anyone had dealings with this firm? if so could they please let me know how to cancel.
Can an ex claim got divorced 2 years ago been given a gift money to buy house no finance part of the divorce was done as we both had no house or money...
I am at present at risk of redundancy. I have been told that some people will have to work their notice and some will get paid their notice. Is this legal?
Came home this evening to find a notice of enforcement agent attendance on outside my door. Seems like the front door to the building was left open and they were able to gain access to the building...
Hi there, I have a 16 month old baby boy and work full time, my partner also works full time. We both agreed with both employers our contracts regarding childcare. And we have our routine down to a t....
I have fixed a light trellis onto my neighbours fence by banging a few panel pins into the cross beams. My neighbour has gone nuts and instructed us to remove the trellis as she does not want anything...
A neighbour fell of his ladder and the episode was seen by a workman working at the opposite property. I guess the workman must have run across and came to help and call the ambulance. During this...
My sister took lease of a council house not long ago, it had had a previous rat problem they told her but they said it was now clear. She moved in, with her little kids and the rats have come back in...