Quizzes & Puzzles8 mins ago
Disclaimer: All Answers found here should not be taken in the stead of legal advice from a solicitor.Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
I had a car accident on 28/10/12 which was not my fault. I was stationary at a roundabout when another car banged into the back of me. When we got out of the cars to examine the damage he apologised...
Whos responsibility is it to provide/install fire alarms in a rented proprty when there aren't any there at the moment?
To cut a long story short I am owed money from someone. He is not disputing it, I have legal proof of the loan and intention to repay,and he has actually paid back a small amount. He has now stopped...
the price was £14, unfortunately it is too small.He tried it on and it was rather tight, so he decided to take it back for an exchange or a refund. All the tags and £14 price labels are still on the...
If there are three executors to a Will can they act independently as well as severally if the Will does not state either way ? For example can one executor instruct a solicitor regarding, say, the...
Hi, my daughter recently left her partner and the house they rented together. He will also shortly be leaving the property and my daughter would like to know if she has the right to claim her half of...
How long does a person from the EU or Commonwealth have to be resident in the UK to qualify for inclusion on the electoral register?
I have had this thought in my head for some time and not sure whether I have asked the question before. My other half and I plan to alter our wills as soon as we can get an appointment as things have...
At a company, the Health&Safety training is good, manual handling of loads, personal safety, using Manual Handling Equipment, etc and the training is signed for by the staff member. However, there is...
If you've been working a set amount of hours for 16 weeks or more can your hours then be reduced or can these extended become new contracted hours.
Some legals on AB may have come across this... any thoughts welcome. 1) Is it reasonable for a company to destroy all files after 7 years? or 2) Is the onus on the company to keep some historical...
Brothers A & B are joint beneficiaries to their sister's estate. Brother A inherits the property ( a flat) and brother B inherits the residue of the estate after all funeral and legal expenses are...
I'm about to dig out the books but thought I'd be lazy and ask you folks first... If someone has a muscular injury (occurred at work) and the doctor recommends light duties only, is the company...
y nanna made a will in nov 2010 saying my mum and mums brother were executors of the will and the estate (only a bungalow) and my mother was the benificary and the estate was to be shared 50/50 BUT...
Suggestion came from a newly qualified barrister.
The solicitor who drew up my father in laws will has described the estate as the trust fund and goes on to refer to the trustees holding the trust fund for my children. The trustees are the children....
right place for this I hope, but a neighbour has a camera on front of his house which points at 2 vehicles parked on his drive, not a problem with anyone doing this except that it points at the...
about 6 years ago my niece left her husband to live with her boss. She is living with him in a property which is in his name and all the bills are in his name and he pays all the bills himself. She...
My employer not care about providing the PPE, they provide PPE but for example overall for three moths and if it expires in 1 month you must by your own. But welding is heavy duty, some times I use...
I recently attended an Employment Tribunal as a public viewer. Does anyone know if I can obtain a copy of the case, the outcome, facts etc.?