By objecting to my planning on the basis of jealousy. im extending my kitchen. he makes up stories to the police as well. turning it around and saying its us thats abusing him. and we honestly arn t.
The Planners will decide whether his objections 'have legs'. If your application is 'reasonable' in the Planners eyes, it won't matter what your neighbours say.
The man doesn t have a job so has loads of time to come up with new plots to make my life a misery. its very frustrating as i was very good to them when i moved here,.
You need to separate the issues.
Your Planning Application (if there is one) will be dealt with by the Local Authority, and there is little that he can do to influence it; if it is reasonable.
The Police will be aware that there is a 'situation' developing between the two of you and will probably realise where the truth lies.
he takes photographs of people visiting my home.Saying i am running a business as i am a hairdresser by trade. i do my friends and family.But for no financial gain.
If you are running a business from your home, and this has an impact on the amount of vehicular traffic in your street, the Council will start to take notice; they may well wish you to make an application..............very complicated and will have quite an impact on your life/home.
If you are not, you have no need to worry. Let him twitch his curtains as much as he likes.
I'm not telling you to ignore him.
I'm advising you that despite the 'bees he has in his bonnet' about you, however distressing to you, have no foundation in reality and you'll feel better if you can treat them as such.
Wave to him as he takes photographs - that sort of thing. Smile broadly at his house.
But don't ever do anything that could be seen as retaliation. That will just open a can of worms.
ring the police and tell them he's taking photos of your young children and you think he's a paedofile, they'll go round and speak to him about it and this may put him off
danchip,that is a very irresponsible post to make.Accusing someone of being a paedophile when they aren't is very wrong! Annie,do not take this route as the repercussions could be awful.
Daffy, how do you know he isn't taking photos of her children for his sick personal pleasure,
if it was me i would go round there and demand to see all photos of myself and my family and also demand a copy of every photo you are in, i believe he has to do this by law
Now Pink & danchip, really!! Jackthehat has the right idea. Stick to the rule of the law as regarding planning permission etc.
& annie, why don't you just ignor the aul fool?? Like he lives in your house?? Go in and shut the door luv and let him get on with it!
You ever thought about putting a CCTV camera up?? That'll get him wondering?? Make sure though it's not pointed directly at his house, but your own pathway. Even if it is a dud one!!!!