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What Would You Do?

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TWR | 20:28 Sat 02nd Nov 2013 | Criminal
74 Answers
2 Asian youths enter a local Boots, picked up a can of deodorant the shop assistant asked one of them ( The clever one) to put the can down, he did not and began to spray onto his clothes! what would you do?


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Our Boots has a security officer, but if there was none, call the store manager.
... and PS it's not uncommon in Boots, remember that story where the young girl had to pay for lipstick she was "trying on"?
because you could have said two known idiots who come into the shop etc.....but you didn't. you said two asians....therefore you are obsessed with race and are attributing all public disturbance crime with asians. or all asians are bad people. or all asians cause crime. or all asians should be in jail. do you see where i am going with this? NO NEED TO MENTION ASIANS!!!!!
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I think I'll join the samaritans Boxy. Brandy / TV time I think.
If you had skipped the word Asian, I'm sure there would have been a more interesting conversation about the incident itself.
'I'm sure'. You are a card, Sp. ;)
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2 very nice good looking youths went in to a local Boots, these lovely boys were known to cause problems in the shop but they were nice boys really, one nice boy decided to pick up a tin of deodorant and start to spray his clothes with it, this nice boy had no intention of paying for the can as the assistant asked this very nice boy to put the can down and the lovely assistant looked concerned. what would you do to assist the assistant that was concerned about the behaviour of these very nice boys, or should I have said youths.
I do try, Svejk.

Just omit "Asian".

It's not that difficult.
just remove the word asian....they can still be described as a couple of pricks and we would be none the wiser. it is YOU that has the problem, twr. wake up.
What's wrong with saying they were Asian?

He wasn't being racist, get a life!
Was it 'Lynx', I like that.
Why not tell us the ethic origin of the shop assistant?
Yes, don't be a brut, tw.
Lol at svejk or whatever he's called
I'm quite surprised by this.............I thought Asians used roll-ons.
You're thinking of the Chinese, craft.
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Elvis, you can not win with some, so fck it.
No they use loll-ons.....
people (of all ethnicities) try smellies all the time. I wouldn't buy perfume without testing it, or deodorant. I've also painted one finger nail to try it out.

I'm white, btw.

it doesn't sound like an interesting event, until you made it one.

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