Note that the main reason that most of the examples are from years ago is that it takes years to get many of these cases overturned!
I think you ought to consider what you hope to achieve by re-introducing capital punishment. You seem to imply by quoting the murder rate that you think it would be an effective deterrant - yet the murder rate in the US makes that look pretty unlikely.
The murder rate did not immediately rocket up immediately after the death penalty was abolished so there's little reason to believe it would drop if it was reintroduced.
Violent crime has actually been falling since 1995 3.asp
In fact your risk of being a victim of violent crime is only 3.6% and way lower that if you're not a young man 16-24
And yet 17% of people are "very worried" about crime - I guess you're one of them.
So having had a think, I'd say it was unneccessary and would be ineffective.