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mental health

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badbessie | 16:32 Thu 20th Nov 2008 | Criminal
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i have been sent a letter by my landlord which is the local council saying that they have recieved a complaint concerning noise and harrassment from my neighbour. i rang the council who said it was inrelation to a party held at a house several doors up the road. My wife did attend. I asked why if the party was held in a different house was i being held responsible. they told me the house was private and that it was a for the po;ice to deal with. but as i was a joint tennent and my wife was envolved then i would also be envolved. I stated that how could a man with severe anxiety related disorders be held to account for the alleged actions of others not even in the home where he lives. I may be mad but it seems insane to me. can anybody give me some advice.


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