FAO Barmaid and other re:- Previous quesiton about cirminal damage
Hallo further to my previous questions regarding my tenant who was accused of a lot of criminal damange by her previous landlord.
She has now answered bail and has been rebailed to March as the officer in charge said that the CPS could still not reach a decision on whether to charge her or not and they needed him to give them a report from the insurance company ( who did indeed fail to pay the full amount on an insurance claim he submitted). He did confirm to her that her previous landlord took no pictures of the damage and took nearly a month to report the matter however.
The officer in charge them contacted ME, just to inform me that my tenant was ' known for not paying her rent and for damaging property and that they wanted me to know that so that I could keep an eye on her for them."???!!!???
I acted entirely ignorant of the whole thing, but my quesiuton now is... surely this police officer has entirely over worked his remit in contancting her current landlord, who can obviously assist in the case not at all, and it did feel very like to me, that the guy is just out to cause her the maximum amount of trouble he possible can.
Can he discuss this case with me, when I am not a witness or involved in this at all, and would this count as police harassment, as if I were my tenant I would be as distressed as she presently is. The poor girl is really suicidal and I'm not at all sure as a layman that the police are behaving as they should.
Many thanks in anticipation.