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docspock - Well this is exactly what I dont need on the jury...a naive, misinformed know it all!! For your info, before I pressed that accelorator, I was attempting to move lanes. I checked my mirror and then my blindspot BEFORE signalling. I saw the car and cancelled any intention of moving out and looked straight ahead! So the blows your tunnel visioned theory out of the window. Also, and you ask EVERY lorry driver, we get cut up and molested by car AND motorbike drivers EVERYDAY at least once!!! SOME car drivers see a truck as a slow moving vehicle, the only thing that is slow about a lorry is its stopping distance but SOME care drivers dont see it that way. Hence why that car was hit by my lorry. There are more accidents on our roads that involve just cars or vans than there are that involve lorries. The thing is, the media bandwagon only report the ones that involve lorries with the mad title "Bad Crash Death Driver".
Yes, I agree, my mistake was unforgivable and I will never forgive myself for doing what I did. I dont care if I get banned for life as I never want to drive again, it just is not worth it. The thought of driving makes me feel physically sick.
I think you should get a grip and stop being so naive!!