Quizzes & Puzzles7 mins ago
What's gonna happen? Part 1
My ex ad court bcause hes been chargd with sec 20 GBH, which is totally false and shud be sec 39, common assault. was chargd bcause my mum nd police asumed he broke my wrist after we ad an argument nd things got violent.Bt I kno he dint break my wrist, I fell out of taxi jus as we arrived at the nightclub, nd broke it thn.
me, Dan (the ex) nd friends went out. We started in Keighley,plans to go to Halifax.
We got a taxi as we got there I fell out, Id been drinking, a lot, ad heels on, Dan askd if I was ok nd if I wantd to go to hosp but I wantd to frget bout it nd carry on with the night. My wrist hurt but I dint want to be a party pooper so we left it.me nd Dan came out of the nightclub, where we found our friends. As we met up with thm calld him 'Ryan'. Ryan was out bt was the reason me nd Dan bcame exes, I slept with Ryan behind Dan's back, hence him finishing me.So obvs calin him Ryan hurt him, but wen he askd me to leave him fo five mins I din want to. I cant remem why bt I went after him as he walkd away, I punchd him in the face twice. I was angry tht he walkd away from me and dint want to talk after Id punchd him he dint retaliate, he lookd at me with shame nd walkd off. I was upset, nd I knw he was so went after him, to apologis bt as I got to him he told me to leave him .I carried on gettin in his face, nd provokin him, this was wen he pushd me away with his head, almost like a headbut but with no force, it was just to push me away.I stumbld, but stil got up nd went after him. police showed. they saw me and Dan arguing sent us home.
me, Dan (the ex) nd friends went out. We started in Keighley,plans to go to Halifax.
We got a taxi as we got there I fell out, Id been drinking, a lot, ad heels on, Dan askd if I was ok nd if I wantd to go to hosp but I wantd to frget bout it nd carry on with the night. My wrist hurt but I dint want to be a party pooper so we left it.me nd Dan came out of the nightclub, where we found our friends. As we met up with thm calld him 'Ryan'. Ryan was out bt was the reason me nd Dan bcame exes, I slept with Ryan behind Dan's back, hence him finishing me.So obvs calin him Ryan hurt him, but wen he askd me to leave him fo five mins I din want to. I cant remem why bt I went after him as he walkd away, I punchd him in the face twice. I was angry tht he walkd away from me and dint want to talk after Id punchd him he dint retaliate, he lookd at me with shame nd walkd off. I was upset, nd I knw he was so went after him, to apologis bt as I got to him he told me to leave him .I carried on gettin in his face, nd provokin him, this was wen he pushd me away with his head, almost like a headbut but with no force, it was just to push me away.I stumbld, but stil got up nd went after him. police showed. they saw me and Dan arguing sent us home.
Oh For Funks Sake leave her alone.
OK, you need to make a statement explaining that you think you broke your wrist earlier when you fell out of the taxi. Tell the police (or if they won't listen) dan's solicitor what you have put on here. With a bit of luck the charges should be dropped to common assault.
As far as the rest is concerned, irrespective of your...
19:43 Thu 14th Oct 2010
In the taxi told me to just leave him alone. I dint like this an so was havin a go, this is wher he backhanded me in the eye.It wasnt with any force.and I wnt at him again, so he hit me again with another backhander We got dropd off I got out nd walkd home, Dan went to the shop. caught up to me and asked why I walkd off wen he was going to walk me home but I was mad at him.So I told him to fk off, punchd him, I fell but I laughd at Dan and shoutd after him,'come on ryan Im on my back'. This was it for Dan I think, he kickd me. I sent him a txt sayin sorry and wanted him to come talk to me at my nana's.
twenty mins later my nana shoutd sayin Dan was ere to see me, My nana had left us to it, he askd me why I calld him Ryan and said that horrible stuff.
I lookd at him with a smirk on my face and said 'cos Ryan's better than u!'
This killed him, I saw the tears He jabed me in face, causin.my lip.to bleed.The nxt day mum took me to the hospital where I found I had a broken wrist. Me and my mum.asumed this was from bein pushd by Dan So Dan was chargd for asault, the chrge shunt have been sec 20 tho I frgot Id falen out of the taxi til my friend told me I remembrd evrythin,I was horible. not jus bcause I hit him bt bcause of wat I said.I kno tht if I left him for five mins none of this wud of hapend, Im not tryin to justify wat Dan did; it was wrong, but I pushd and provokd him hitin me was a total one off, hes never done anythin like this bfore I knw that a lot of ppl say this, but Dan is not a violent person.
Iv knwn him yrs and not once av I been scard.
His career at risk, joinin the army nd is due to go Jan 16 I kno how much ths means to him and cant let him lose it.Ths last yr wil be a waste if he dosnt get in Iv seen his confidenc lift as hes gone bout his trainin etc. his family are proud of him nd now Iv taken it away. After his hearin, he has to go fo trial. Wat shud he expect?
frst offnce,made my statment sayin I provokd nd
twenty mins later my nana shoutd sayin Dan was ere to see me, My nana had left us to it, he askd me why I calld him Ryan and said that horrible stuff.
I lookd at him with a smirk on my face and said 'cos Ryan's better than u!'
This killed him, I saw the tears He jabed me in face, causin.my lip.to bleed.The nxt day mum took me to the hospital where I found I had a broken wrist. Me and my mum.asumed this was from bein pushd by Dan So Dan was chargd for asault, the chrge shunt have been sec 20 tho I frgot Id falen out of the taxi til my friend told me I remembrd evrythin,I was horible. not jus bcause I hit him bt bcause of wat I said.I kno tht if I left him for five mins none of this wud of hapend, Im not tryin to justify wat Dan did; it was wrong, but I pushd and provokd him hitin me was a total one off, hes never done anythin like this bfore I knw that a lot of ppl say this, but Dan is not a violent person.
Iv knwn him yrs and not once av I been scard.
His career at risk, joinin the army nd is due to go Jan 16 I kno how much ths means to him and cant let him lose it.Ths last yr wil be a waste if he dosnt get in Iv seen his confidenc lift as hes gone bout his trainin etc. his family are proud of him nd now Iv taken it away. After his hearin, he has to go fo trial. Wat shud he expect?
frst offnce,made my statment sayin I provokd nd
This is all so difficult to read, why have you written in text language? I can't make half of it out. If I get the drift of it, you broke your wrist, you taunted your bloke Dan with Ryan, it got nasty, now Dan's in trouble with the law and his army career is at risk. Is this it? How old are you all?
Oh For Funks Sake leave her alone.
OK, you need to make a statement explaining that you think you broke your wrist earlier when you fell out of the taxi. Tell the police (or if they won't listen) dan's solicitor what you have put on here. With a bit of luck the charges should be dropped to common assault.
As far as the rest is concerned, irrespective of your provocation he assaulted you.
OK, you need to make a statement explaining that you think you broke your wrist earlier when you fell out of the taxi. Tell the police (or if they won't listen) dan's solicitor what you have put on here. With a bit of luck the charges should be dropped to common assault.
As far as the rest is concerned, irrespective of your provocation he assaulted you.
-- answer removed --
Im not drunk thanks. I dont write like that but i couldnt fit it all into one question thingy..
Barmaid, thank you for bein reasonable. Iv made my statement sayin Dan didnt break my wrist but when he was in court they twisted all of it, not mentionin why he did what he did so Im lost with what to do now, Iv even sent in a letter to the courts practically beggin lol.
Am I right in thinking that in the hearin all the evidence against him is shown to the judge? cos thats all that happened, Dan's solicitor dint get a word in.
Can he stand up for himself in trial?
Barmaid, thank you for bein reasonable. Iv made my statement sayin Dan didnt break my wrist but when he was in court they twisted all of it, not mentionin why he did what he did so Im lost with what to do now, Iv even sent in a letter to the courts practically beggin lol.
Am I right in thinking that in the hearin all the evidence against him is shown to the judge? cos thats all that happened, Dan's solicitor dint get a word in.
Can he stand up for himself in trial?
personally i think that because of what you have said about you hitting him first and him trying to walk away and not meaning to hurt you that will go in his favour, also because the police have wrongly charged him that should favour him surely? :)... also because of your statement and letter to the courts i think there is a very good chance they will throw it out because your their vital evidence and don't wish for this to continue, also because he is due to go in the army they courts may see that he is wanting to make something of his life and they will discipline him in their, i really hope it goes well for you anyway :)