I need to find a criminal lawyer....I can look on line but any tips for what I should be looking for would be appreciated. It regards fraud/theft by an employee. Thank you.
Thank you Buildersmate...the police are involved too. It's for a relative who has asked me to help out for various reasons...not my legal knowledge that's for sure.
You can now also go to a barrister direct if the person needing the advice will not qualify for legal aid and is competent to deal with much of the paperwork themselves.
Hi Barmaid...thank you. Listening to what was happening confused me more than ever but it seems there are two cases....one civil and one criminal with some of the same people involved in both.
I did wonder about a barrister as the relative won't qualify for legal aid and can deal with paperwork.
The problem has been never having had to deal with anything like this before we were at a loss as to where to start. Thanks for your help. x
If there is a civil and a criminal angle, it may be worth looking for a barrister who deals with both. (you get one person, fulfilling two roles, rather than 2 solicitors).
You need to look for local chambers that have practitioners who are licensed to do Public Access work.
If you want further info, get Sunny D to PM me on FB.