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Estoppel Question Advise Needed

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Tiger7861 | 14:06 Thu 16th Jan 2014 | Law
607 Answers
Me and my partner live in my parents house for 15 years now they want me out in the past on numerous occasions they have promised me and my partner the house but nothing on paper
The deeds are in there name and we have never paid any rent or mortgage but we have spent money on the property over 10 years about 15k . Do I have any chance of keeping the house or staying here we have 2 children the solicitor had advised me of estoppel saying that you parents have broken there promise?Additional DetailsI forgot to mention me and my husband are separated know he is saying that no promise was made I have a witness to the promise but we did apply for local housing housing register waiting for a house will that have any significance ?
As the landlords are saying one of the conditions of staying there was that you stay on the hosing register.
In other words we did not reply to our detriment can this act bee taken like this ?


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Exactly, Tiger - you sort it out before you divorce, to prevent all this dirt being dished afterwards. Read what you've pasted: you will lose important rights to make any claims on property or finances. The property doesn't belong to your ex, so you can't claim from him. You haven't divorced your in-laws, they are nothing to do with it. They've been more than...
00:03 Fri 17th Jan 2014
Tiger, I think you have to accept that the power of the Vatican is on the wane.
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This thread is becoming a total waste of time for all those of us who have tried to offer advice. Tiger's going to do it, no matter what we say, and waste all that money which could have been put towards getting a new place for her and her children. We're wasting our breath. I feel sorry for her ex in-laws, all they want is their house back after 15 years.
On the plus side for the in-laws, at least they have got rid of Tiger7861/786.
No issues with witnesses I'm allowed
what does that mean?
Is there any chance the ex-inlaws could sue tiger for all the rent they've missed out on? That would be karma.
they might wish they could, if all this kicks off and they are dragged through the courts on the premise of an alleged verbal "promise"....
Yes. It would be the perfect ending, though.
Sorry, that sounded a bit vindictive, but i feel sorry for these people and the future relationship between them and their grandchildren. It can't be good for anyone.
Thnxs for all your answers but the solicitors advised me to persue will update tom
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They advised you on a Sunday, Tiger? I bet they did - they can see the money coming for all your fees, whether you win or not, as others have already said several times.

Good luck with it - we'll be fascinated to know how you get on.
please don't update tomorrow ...
You have be advised, on here, by a barrister that you don't stand a chance. Barristers trump solicitors why won't you just listen to sense?
Who is Tom?
Tom Orrow, factor :-)
well good luck Tiger
I hope your £13 k goes far.

There will come a time when you turn to your solicitor and ask plaintively in a Princess Di voice : 'Is this doing any good ? ' and he will lead you to a window from his office and show you his new car and say
yes Tiger it is doing someone a LOT of good

But good luck - your solicitor has told you to pursue it (usually it is the other way round - YOU instruct the solicitor, but never mind ) - and so I wont even ask why we have been running around for 532 q and as - it's been fun...
Factor tom = tomorrow

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