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He was in a business premises. He was never old enough to sign a lease, so in the eyes of the law, he was not legally responsible or legally a tenant.
The council never told the court. When I questioned the officer responsible she said she didn't realize that they had to tell the court my son's age! However, the CAB told me this was an absolute joke and that the civil procedure rules were breached by the public body. They also said ignorance is no defence from the council and that they should have informed the court, when they didn't.
If I had £600, then morally I would pay. However, due to the breach of civil liberties, I believe the very least action should be to write this off. My son was threatened at 16 with prison if he didn't pay! he's very stressed and it forced him to quit college, and stop eating fearing that he will go to prison!
This is all wrong! - A public body has the legal duty to care for young people, they didn't. They threatened him and abused their responsibility!